Friday, September 18, 2009

Little acts of love

This is the little table that resides next to my comfy chair. For the past year, as I have rested in my comfy chair, I have pulled a hamper over to rest books and drinks on. My sweet husband came home from travel with this little deal from Kohl's for me (he spent less than $2.00!) It was a little gift, but was big on thoughtfulness.

And on my little table you will see a steaming cup of Trader Joe's English breakfast tea with sweetener and fresh lemon in it. The same sweet guy delivered this to me this morning as I read my bible. Making someone a cup of tea is a little thing, too, but speaks volumes to me day by day.

I am very grateful for the little acts of love which surround me! What little acts of love can we plan today for others, Gentle Reader?

1 comment:

Cindy Marsch said...

Very sweet!