Yesterday was a battleground day. Today is a victorious day. So goes the rhythm of life! God brings blessing after struggle. Even when we don't handle the struggle well, He blesses us. I guess that has to do with the fact that we never earn God's love. He gives it to us freely, not because of anything in us, but because He chooses to. If God loved me because I was good, then He could stop loving me when I am not good. But if He loves me because He desires to, despite all that is sinful and fallen in me, then He won't stop loving me for exercising those things. What a comfort that is: God won't love me any less, nor any more, no matter what I do. Far from an excuse to license, that makes me grateful, and sets my heart on pleasing God and being obedient out of gratitude for the undeserved blessings with which I am showered.
I hope you are having a victorious, showered-with-blessings sort of day, Gentle Reader.
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