Today, along with a couple of excellent friends, I closed shop on a ministry that has been my passion for the last 12 years. The friends helping me have labored along side me in this work, have given sacrificially to it and to me. It speaks not only of their love for the work, but of their love and support for me, and I will be eternally grateful to them. It has been a joy to work along side these wonderful ladies, and their predecessors: Karen, Brenda, Ann, Amy, Kris, Valerie and Gretta. Thank you, my friends.
And I am hoping to be forgiven, though I know this is the right decision for many reasons, if I grieve just a little. I have loved you, Los Alamos Homeschool Chorus. I have loved the students you have brought to me, the adventures and music we have shared, the part I played in growing and maturing lives. And I will miss you.
The music is packaged up and ready to pass on to others. The financial records are boxed to be shredded. The file cabinets are now empty. And I am just a little sad at the finish. It has been an enriching part of my life, for which I will always be grateful.
The endings of things loved are always sad. But, there are other things that can, and will, be loved that come along and fill the void. Usually sooner than you expect.
Hi, Chris-
Your post made me cry...I KNOW what a treasure you're giving up, and how much it hurts. BTW, I guess I'll just keep my copy of Great is the Lord Almighty!!! Believe it or not, I just played through it yesterday!
Maybe it's a good week for Häagen-Dazs......
It was such a treasure to me!!!! You have blessed so many of us through your ministry! Love!
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