Sunday, August 22, 2010

Emma Update; Sunday evening

Sweet Emma Joy had a very good day today, and consequently her mamma did, too!  The good news is that Emma's blood sugar levels are staying up, so the IV was removed.  Hurrah!  One less tube/connector!  She still has her GI tube (from her nose to her tummy for food transfer) and several monitors, but having the IV gone is a huge step! She lost a little more weight: she is now 4 pounds, 14 ounces, but that is not too bad, considering.  She is now nursing at least a little bit at every feeding.  But after every good 12-18 minute feeding times, she is just too tired for the next 1 or 2 feedings to eat more than a few minutes.  Then they top her off through the GI tube with more of her mamma's milk.  Her billirubin counts continued to drop today, so we hope to be out of those woods for good.  Now she needs to be able to eat all her meals on her own without using the tube, and she needs to start gaining weight.  Those are the tickets home for this little girl.  So please pray with us to that end!
Grandma cuddle time is pretty wonderful.  Thank you for your prayers, Gentle Reader.  While we are all exhausted (Emma and all the adults), we are so grateful for God's abundant grace to us!


Anne said...

Your post brings tears to my eyes, dear Chris - I am rejoicing in little Emma's improvement, and she (and all of you) will continue to be in my prayers.

Love, Anne

EuroMom said...
