Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A ceiling of clouds

Today is one of those rare rainy days in northern New Mexico, as indeed the last 5 days have been. The cloud level is below 10,000 feet, because they lay below the tops of the Jemez mountains. Driving up to Los Alamos proper today, it was such a strange feeling of being indoors, with the mountains as walls and the clouds like a ceiling you could almost touch. And as I returned down the hill in the rain, I could see across the Rio Grande Valley, to the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, where sun was shining and the skies were blue. It was not raining and dark everywhere. And it will not be raining and dark here forever.

Knowing that it will be sunny an average of 310 days a year here gives me hope during the rain, and allows me to enjoy the rain when we have it, knowing the season for sun will be coming soon. You would think, Gentle Reader, that the number of times God has proven Himself to me by sustaining me and answering my prayers, I would have the same kind of sure hope in Him as I do in the returning sunshine, but I often waiver, and act as if there is nothing sure with the Lord. But His blessings are sure things, substantive things. I need to remember my hope is built on nothing less that Jesus's blood and righteousness. And that is more sure, and more precious, than Southwest sunshine.

And I will make them and the places round about my hill a blessing; and I will cause the shower to come down in his season; there shall be showers of blessing.
~Ezekiel 34:26

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