On the topic of "Patient Perseverance in Prayer", Jean says this:
If, with minds composed to obedience, we allow ourselves to be ruled by the laws of divine providence, we shall easily learn to persevere in prayer and, with desires suspended, patiently to wait for the Lord. Then we shall be sure that, even though he does not appear, he is always present to us, and will in his own time declare how he has never had ears deaf to the prayers that in men's eyes seem to be neglected...
~Jean Calvin, Calvin: Institutes of the Christian Religion (2 Volume Set)
III. 20.51
I long for the day when God makes clear how he heard and answered prayer that seems neglected. I love the thought of those martyr before the throne who call out, "How long?" being told exactly how long, and why. It's a comfort in these days to remember that we serve a God who is wise, and knows the end from the beginning!
I am God, and there is no other;
I am God, and there is none like me,
declaring the end from the beginning
and from ancient times things not yet done,
saying, 'My counsel shall stand,
and I will accomplish all my purpose...'
~Isaiah 46:9-10
Our sermon yesterday covered Psalm 79 in which Asaph wonders *How long*? downcast at the beginning, but uplifted by the end.
Pastor Morecraft is gifted at conveying the hopefulness even in times of exile and trial.
Here's the sermonaudio link.
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Our church is not on sermonaudio, but our pastor's sermons are available on our church website here:
Our webmaster is on vacation currently, so thing will be behind for a few weeks here. :-) Thanks for the link.
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