Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Blessing, indeed...

Can you see the perfect little foot on the left?  That is one of the most recent "photos" of Grandchild #1, affectionately known in these parts as "Mini-Finni".  He or she is betweem 29 and 30 weeks gestation now, and we are praying they stay put until at least 38 weeks.  Please join us in that prayer, Gentle Reader! Each week that passes is a great blessing. 

We have been incredibly blessed as a family.  Just today I was reminded of our blessing when I read updates on dear friends that I keep in my prayers: surgeries and illness, loss of spouses and children, the aftermath of horrible accidents, living with metastatic disease, mistreatment of serious illness, unexpected death. 

And then I think about that little foot.  It is promise of love from God to His people, and a reminder that He never gives up on us.  That is blessing, indeed!


Mrs. Edwards said...

I'm glad to know that things are progressing well with Mini-Finni! What a precious picture of his or her foot!

Each week that passes in the last ten weeks is such a relief, knowing that every week is closer to a strong, healthy delivery! When I was pregnant with my twin girls, I had a book with a diagram of the baby's head circumference at 32, 34, 36 38 weeks gestation (if I remember correctly). The sight of that increasingly larger circle motivated me to hang in there and endure to the end with a measure of joy!

Hopefully Nikki is doing well!

MagistraCarminum said...

Thanks for your prayers, Amy! Nikki is hanging in there with grace and good humor. The "threat" of bed-rest is ever upon her now, but so far so good! We so appreciate your prayers!