Monday, July 26, 2010

The God of sanctification...

There are times in our lives when it seems many things are ending: our children are growing up and leaving, our relationships with family and friends are shifting, ministries we love come to a close. But God never leaves us there. Those times give way to times of new beginnings: new children or grandchildren, new friends, new ministry.

He is a God of sanctification. He moves and shapes us in mysterious ways, and while there are mountains and valleys on that road, the general progress is upward, closer to Him. I am so grateful that He doesn't let me stay in the places where I'm comfortable. He molds me and shapes me, and makes me more and more into the image and reflection of His own dear Son. How is that for amazing?


Jenny said...

Dear Friend,

Thank you for these timely thoughts


MagistraCarminum said...

jenny- It is where I'm living right now... and maybe you, too?