Dave and I enjoyed a lovely trip to Tucson over the Veteran's Day weekend. In the photo you can see Dave and Tim and Nikki playing cards at the computer table which was serving as their dining table. We were able to find a wonderful consignment shop and get some lovely pieces for this room (see the photos here). We were also able to transport their mattress and box springs, so they have a bed. We are amazed that out trusty old Toyota Sienna, now carrying over 150,000 miles, could fit so much stuff, and make 24 miles to the gallon on the trip!
We attended Rincon Mountain Church on Sunday, and met with divine appointment after divine appointment. The people in front of us were Calvin College grads whose son is now an engineering student at Calvin. The next person we met was a physical therapist-- Nikki's line of work! Then, we were introduced to a newlywed about Nikki's age, who invited the kids to the young married's fellowship. There is quite a group of former CRC folks there, including the pastor, so that makes Nikki feel right at home. And finally, there was a young man who looked familiar to the kids, and they introduced themselves to him to discover he was a Calvin grad who ran with the cross-country team the year before Tim got there. He is now doing his medical residency at U of Arizona! The sermon was excellent, by the assistant pastor as the pastor is currently in Africa. I think Tim and Nikki just felt that they had come home!
Tim is loving his job so far, and Raytheon is treating him very well indeed. He is the lead test engineer for a small team of 7 people who are doing missile redesign work. But the regular hours of 9-hour days (with every-other Friday off), and the 35 minute commute, is tiring him out a bit. We think he will adjust over time.
It was a real blessing to be in Tim and Nikki's home, and to know they are close enough (7.5-8 hours away) that we can see them for holidays or long weekends. They are off to a terrific start: Tim is leading his family well, and Nikki is being a wonderful wife to Tim!
I must admit this all made me sad that we have not been in Ben and Elsa's home yet. We have had to cancel that trip twice, but hope to get there before too long. And they will be home, along with Tim and Nikki, for Christmas this year. What a joy!
1 comment:
Phil Kruis was Mike's youth group leader way back when. It's a small world!
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