Yesterday morning, I sat like a queen on her throne in my backyard, under an apple tree, and gave orders to Dave and Marilyn and my parents, and enjoyed the warm sunshine as they did my yard work. The Baers brought dinner, I walked with my husband and napped in a comfy chair, and had a lovely day.
Today, I think all the adrenaline finally wore off. I woke up with the distinct feeling that a motorcycle had run several times over my abdomen and ribs. I just felt tired and achy and wiped out. I knew it had to hit sooner or later! So, I cried for an hour or so. Then called my friend Amy. Amy is blessed with a little baby on the way, but she gets extremely ill when they are on the way. She encouraged me to call her the next time I had a bad day. After Dave trying for about an hour to comfort me, he suggested I call Amy. In no time we were encouraging one another and laughing at each other. What a blessing the family of God is at such times!
So, we've taken short walks, and I've napped lots in my comfy chair, with "The Music Man" playing in the background. "Goodnight, My Someone" and "Lyda Rose" wound their way in and out of my dreams. (Thanks to Victor and Ann who let me raid their video supply, and who are bringing me dinner tonight!) And my goal is to rest and recoup for the rest of the day, and enjoy worship with my church family tomorrow.
I planned at the beginning of this illness to write to each person who wrote to me, and e-mail each person who e-mailed. That is still my goal, but you all are being so wonderfully supportive, it may take me some time! I love getting the mail each day and finding a few cards or a surprise little package, and the e-mails and e-cards from friends far and near. How humbling it is to see the love of so many expressed so clearly to me. I thank God for each of you!
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