Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sundays with John

It strikes me sometimes that I live a very eclectic life. And having a post about John Calvin immediately follow a Weird Al post seems like the ultimate example of it!

Dave and I are settling into a nice rhythm of reading most night: after doing a few chores after supper, I sit in my comfy chair with my heating pad, he sits on the bed, and he reads to me from Calvin. We are enjoying it. And here are some of our favorite quotes from this week.
Since, then, we see the flesh panting for every subterfuge by which it thinks that the blame for its own evils may in any way be diverted from itself to another, we must diligently oppose this evil intent. Therefore we must so deal with the calamity of mankind that we may cut off every shift, and may vindicate God's justice from every accusation. (1.15.1)

…[T]hey may safely rest in the protection of him to whose will are subject all the harmful things which, whatever their source, we may fear; whose authority curbs Satan with all his furies and his whole equipage; and upon whose nod depends whatever opposes our welfare. (1.16.3)

…[L]et my readers grasp that providence means not that by which God idly observes from heaven what takes place on earth, but that by which, as keeper of the keys, he governs all events. Thus it pertains no less to his hands than his eyes. (1.16.4)

Therefore no one will weigh God's providence properly and profitably but him who considers that his business is with his Maker and the Framer of the universe, and with becoming humilty submits himself to fear and reverence. (1.17.2)

And it is indeed true that in the law and the gospel are comprehended mysteries which tower far above the reach of our senses. But God illumines the minds of his own with the spirit of discernment for the understanding of these mysteries which He has designed to reveal by his Word, now no abyss is here; rather, a way in which we ought to walk in safety, and a lamp to guide our feet, the light of life, and the school of sure and clear truth. (1.17.2)

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