Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Another music suggestion

Do you all know about NoiseTrade? They are a collective of musicians who are taking an alternate course to meet up with fans. You can pay what you want to download their music, or tell 5 friends about it and download for free (and you all know how I like a bargain!) Well, I am enjoying what I've downloaded so far from David Mead, and have just downloaded Advent Songs by Sojourn. Lovely!

So, if you get a strange e-mail from me suggesting one of these groups/recordings, you will know you have helped me to download some music! And take a look. If I like it, you might also!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aunt Chris,

I just love you. :-)

And glad to see that you like NoiseTrade! I've downloaded so much good music from them. :)