Isn't it true? The main issue may not be so tough in-and-of itself, but the side issues pile on...
I had hoped this would be my first full week without any doctor appointments, but yesterday afternoon found me at the office of my trusty primary care. I have been dealing with an adverse reaction to a medication I was on last week. Seems we've taken care of that, but possibly caused another along the way. Ugh! It just makes me feel pathetic and ridiculous! And if we need to treat this other condition, it will be another week of medication which will make me feel nauseated, and has a high likelihood of taking me right back to the first condition. I mean, really...
So, I come to ask you to pray that in the next few days the flora and fauna of my weary body would just get back to normal with no more medication, and that I would begin to feel a little better. And if the Lord desires me to continue on my steep learning curve in this way, please ask Him to teach me His lessons, and let me be a quick learner so we can move beyond this. I don't want to shame Him by growing weary in doing good, but I am growing a little weary at this point...
Thank you for your prayers! They keep me afloat...
I will most certainly continue to lift you up! Hang in there!
Praying, Chris!
Not sure if I mentioned before, but I went through chemotherapy 19 years ago. In fact, just before my wedding. I'm wearing a wig in the wedding photo at my blog, since my hair had just began to grow back and was about as short as my husband's.
May God strengthen you physically and spiritually.
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