Friday, June 03, 2011

refletions on the brevity of life...

 As I watched this lovely yellow swallowtail butterfly in my garden yesterday, my first thought was to marvel at its delicacy and beauty.  The markings look like individually-painted decorations-- in exquisite color combinations. The wild spring winds in the Southwest were blowing it around.  The strength of its wings to stand against and work with that wind were amazing.  It brought more beauty and life to my garden.

And my second thought was: all that beauty held in such a brief life, to become food for some bird or to die at the end of a season: how tragic.  Yet isn't that similar to man?  We have the Creator's stamp of beauty upon us, but live brief, harrowing lives in many ways. Is God so extravagant as to waste such beauty on something so transient?

But, the answer, of course, is that God does not waste anything.  But He judges things differently than we do. He is a God of beauty and all He creates reflects that beauty. And man reflects it here for a season, but forever in eternity. That is only a tragedy when life in this world is spent in rebellion and covering that beauty, instead of gratitude and wonder..

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