Friday, June 10, 2011


Last night I spent some time researching medical procedures.  I ought never to do that after dinner time. It left me feeling rather despondent and depressed, quite frankly.  So today, I am taking a lesson from a friend who has been counting her blessings on her blog every day.  I'm not going to list 952, like she has, but maybe just a few to help my outlook:
1. The redemption and love of Jesus Christ for me, a rebel of cosmic proportions.
2. The love and friendship of my best friend and dear husband.
3. Two sons and daughters-in-love who love the Lord and love me well.
4. Grandchildren, and the promise of more of them in the future.
5. Dear, old, long-term, loyal friends.
6. Siblings who are talented, interesting, and funny, that I love and who love me, despite my bossy, oldest-sister tendencies.
7. Parents who love us and encourage us.
8. The Body of Christ all over the world who share my burdens and joys.
9. The beauty of the created order around me, that causes me to delight in God, and reminds me that He is the author of all beauty and that His beauty exists everywhere, in every circumstance.
10. For growing old, which, as Dave says, is better than the alternative.

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