Monday, March 16, 2009

News to make me sing

I just got an excellent telephone call. Not only is all my blood work "normal" and in good shape, but my mammograms are all clear. Hurrah! God is good and to be praised no matter what, but it is so easy to sing praise to Him when he is so kind to me!

I am still scheduled for a chest C-T in April, followed by a follow-up with the oncologist, and I need to make some decisions about whether I will see my current oncologist or not, so I would appreciate your continued prayers for me, and for these upcoming events.

Tomorrow, I am getting on a plane, Lord willing, and heading to Bloomington, IN, to visit with Ben and Elsa. I was excited anyway, since this trip was canceled a couple of times due to my treatment. But now I can go without wondering about those test results. Isn't God gracious?

Praise God from whom all blessings flow:
Praise Him all people here below.
Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts.
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost!
~ The Old Hundredth metered Psalm, sung by grateful children since around 1550


Jenny said...

Wonderful news! Now to enjoy your time with Ben and Elsa!

Renee @ AddMoreChocolate said...

You're singing and I'm smiling! That's great news. Now go enjoy those kids of yours!


Cindy Marsch said...

Rejoicing with you! Every little sign of spring you see on your trip (may not be much--we're JUST getting crocuses popping up) can remind you of His faithfulness to encourage you at just the right time. :-)

Unknown said...

Awesome, wonderful, terrific, excellent! I am terribly happy to hear this.

Unknown said...

Chris, this is wonderful! Have a wonderful trip!

Christina said...

praising God with you!!!!!! and continuing to pray!