Thursday, June 14, 2012

Living in altered reality

Last week I managed to nurture a respiratory virus in this amazing body of mine.  In its amazing fashion, it produced many antibodies to fight the virus.  And in my amazing fashion, I am allergic to the antibodies I produce to fight respiratory infections.  I am literally allergic to myself. So the most violent case of hives I have ever encountered is at work in my members- every square inch of them.  And due to that, I am currently on high doses of antihistamines, steroids, and albuterol; hence, my contemplations regarding living in an altered reality. Any of you who have ever been on that combination of drugs know that it will rock your world in a rather fuzzy way.

2012 has been some year: breast cancer, instantaneous menopause, lymphedema, on-going eye issues, and now this little episode.  But in the midst of it all, the thing that has really altered my reality is Jesus. As dreams and goals die off or get altered, as disappointments, struggles, pain, and discomfort push their irksome way into days otherwise planned and previously occupied with more appealing stuff, the shift that Christ accomplished keeps me getting up in the morning (or some time during the day). I have been translated from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light, and nothing can ever be the same.  The hardships that come can be both painful and disappointing.  But it is Him that gives me songs in the night, and wakes me fresh every morning, and even replaces my old, dead dreams, with new ones of His own making.

I hope Jesus has rocked your world, Gentle Reader. And if you want to know how that can happen, drop me an e-mail and I'll be happy to explain.

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