Thursday, February 03, 2011

Little is much...

This year, in my various teaching duties, I have once again been amazed at the truth of the maxim that little is much, or less is more.

It is the little things, done faithfully over time, that reap the greatest benefits.  Whether it is a discussion of how to picture the form of an essay, or a narrative retelling of historical events, or forming excellent thesis statements, it is those little, plain things that seem to add up to an education.  It's not the fancy, glitzy computer programs, nor the colorful texts.  It's the little things, done faithfully.  If I could just remember that, I would be less harried in my teaching. Then teaching could truly be an act of leisure for me.  Ah, what a perfect world that would be!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yup! now if I could only do it!!