Thursday, October 29, 2009

Tim and Nikki get a mortgage...

Yesterday, Tim and Nikki signed all the papers on their new home. Once the papers have been "recorded", either today or tomorrow, they will be given the keys, and can move everything from the apartment to the house. They need to be out of the apartment by the end of Saturday. Yikes! Wish we were closer to be helpful, but we are grateful they will not have to move twice!

Blessings on your new home, Tim and Nikki! May it be a place of peace and refuge that honors Christ, welcomes strangers, and is permeated by the aroma of love!

Can't wait to see it!


Cindy Marsch said...

How exciting! We didn't buy our first house until we were 35 and had three kids (postdoc life :-) ). Is this brand new?

Though I love our place, there's something exciting about starting fresh somewhere.

MagistraCarminum said...

It is exciting, Cindy! It only about 4 years old :-)