Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Out of stock

My sweet friend Amy gave me the little tea towel above.  It made her think of me, and when she gave it to me, we both laughed until we cried. 

Indeed, as I research the side-effects and precautions for the new drug I start today, I am tempted not just to laugh at the above sentiment, but to feel very sorry for myself and cry for real.  And that never leads me to a good place. 

I think the operative words in this little saying are "that you ordered." The things we order for our lives, and what we get, are often far different from each other. The problem is that we see only a limited part of reality, and a limited part of eternity.  We make our "orders" of what life should hold based on that limited and often faulty view. When we give up placing orders for our lives, and instead learn to let God place the order for us, we can rejoice in the blessings, and believe there is purpose for the trials and suffering.  That's when we begin to understand both the brokenness of our lives and the beautiful grace and mercy of God's redemption.

I don't think it's just "sour grapes" to say that when God is ordering your life, you don't actually want what you ordered anyway.

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