Today in my worldviews class, we talked about a Biblical definition for poverty and the implications that definition has for how we should go about doing mercy ministries. After laying out what I think are clear, biblical principles, I challenged my students. I asked them, "Now you have a deeper understanding of God's marching orders. But what will you do with this information? How will it change your heart? How will it cause you to become the hands and feet and heart of Jesus to a broken world?"
And this afternoon in talking to a friend about the class, I realized that I have to ask myself the very same question. How will I become more consistent with God's word, more willing to leave the bubble of my Christian community, more willing to step outside of my comfort zone to be obedient to Christ's call on my life? I don't know what the answer is to these questions, but I know the adventure is out there, and I know the God who calls me to it is big and strong and able.
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