Tuesday, February 04, 2025

Fall and Christmas Projects completed for 2024

 Well, the holidays are behind us.  What did I make last year?  Here are the things I remember from fall and early winter...

An apron and pot holders for a grand daughter...

A variety of bags, some for grands, some for me...

A dragonfly quilt for a grandson's 10th birthday camping trip...

A set of halloween/fall mug rugs for the grands...

A Christmas ornament for a great-niece...

Christmas ornaments for the grands...

Double oven mits...

A variety of rug mugs...

A new bible cover for a grand daughter...

And the big project of the year, an extra large queen (110" x 110") quilt for one son and daughter-in-law.

What have you been up to, Gentle Reader?

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