Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The joys of resting

The way I figure it, these days between surgery and pathology/oncology visits are my days for resting and recuperating as well as I can. So I am walking, sleeping, icing the swollen areas, watching movies, reading a bit, and enjoying the lovely springtime. God has been gracious to give me good sleep every night, and relatively little pain. I am still swollen, but improving, and my energy level is returning little by little, though sudden fatigue can still overtake me.

There is something quite freeing about my own feelings being the center of the universe. I get to do things or not do things as I wish, and nobody will argue with me. I really do like the "Cosmos of Chris" on some level, where everything, of course, revolves around me! And I can see the temptation to stay there.

Perhaps the thing that keeps this place of rest from becoming a totally self-centered thing is the inherent disquiet and fear associated with this cancer journey. Even as I rest and recuperate, I am ever aware of my tenuous hold on this life, and on health, and my very real need for a big God who can care for me no matter what. God is so good to stop me from my "normal" busy-ness and make me face those realities, and to meet my needs there. I praise him... even for this trial and pain. That could only happen by the work of His Holy Spirit in my sinful, selfish little heart!

Here are a few prayer specifics. Thank you for lifting me before the Creator!

Prayer Requests:
  • I may be receiving my pathology reports today. Please pray with us for negative axillary lymph nodes, clear margins, and no surprises. Also pray that whatever that report contains, I will remember that my Lord is the one who decides my future.
  • Tomorrow I meet first with the medical oncologist, and then with the surgeon, who should have in turn met in the morning with the tumor board to discuss my case. Additionally, my radiology friend, greg, is passing around my scans and reports in PA. Tomorrow should be a day full of information, choices, and plotting a course forward. Some specifics in regard to this are:
    • Please pray that a clear course for treating the breast cancer would be obvious.
    • Please pray that a clear path to discovering what is going on with the lymph nodes in my chest, abdomen and pelvis would be found, and that we could get a clear picture of what is going on and how to deal with it.
  • Please pray for continued healing at my surgery site, specifically for the swelling to resolve itself.
  • Please pray for Dave's continued health and ability to accomplish things at work when he has so many things to draw him away from work right now.
And some Praise Reports:
  • Praise God for good rest, little pain, and a return of energy.
  • Praise God for excellent medical care from my surgeon and primary care, and access to the tumor board this week.
  • Praise God for Greg Moore, my own personal sounding board and radiologist, who is patient with my questions, and loves me enough to both tell me the medical truth and remind me of the Truth.
  • Praise God for my faithful husband, the introvert, who is managing to care for me well and not get too aggravated by my extrovert tendencies.
  • Praise God for being both sufficient and the Giver of Peace. His promises are things of substance.
  • Praise God for the prayer army He has raised up on my behalf. I know the feeling of being carried by the prayers of God's people, and that's where I am resting right now!


Unknown said...

Thank-you so much for posting the prayer requests and praises. You are number 1 on my prayer list right now.

MagistraCarminum said...

Thank you, Cindy!

THE MOM said...

Chris, I just want to let you know that I check your web site daily. Thank you for being so open in sharing with us. I appreciate your prayer requests along with the updates.