Wednesday, May 07, 2008

A Day of Blessing

God is so very good-- today was a day of blessing upon blessing for me! My mother-in-law cleaned my bathrooms this morning (along with the rest of my house--thank you Marilyn!) When I whined about my hair being too long and wanting it cut before surgery, my dear friend Kelley arranged a little trip to her hair dresser, and new do was forthcoming (thank you, Kelley!). I took the following (rather dorky) photo of myself to show it off-- I obviously am not one of those self-portrait people...

I also have a new, comfy lay-boy recliner in my beautiful bedroom for times of recuperation and privacy. It almost makes being sick worth it...

And my dearest of husbands sent me beautiful roses and a small box of emergency chocolates, along with his amazing love and support for the last almost 28 years. He is an incredible, godly, faithful man, and what a blessing! I love you, Dave!

Another friend, and IBC survivor, sent me a token of her love and prayers (thank you Tami!), and a got a little taste of heaven this afternoon as six of my closest friends gathered in my living room to sing my favorite hymns (in three part harmony, I might add..we sounded like angels!) and to pray for me. (Thank you Jacque, Amy, Kris, Ann, Kelley and Valerie-- you all make me feel rich...)

I had an amazing visit with Ben last week, and an offer of a trip from Tm this weekend (with a generous offer of help from the Reckmans: you guys are such a blessing!) We have convinced him to finish his season and see us next month, but what a sweet offer!

And I had a lovely summer evening walk with Dave, and am settling down to a chick flick and popcorn. What could be better for a weary soldier than that?

Your prayers, friends, are holding me. I feel God right here beside me, because you are imploring Him to be there. Thank you! I am going into my surgery tomorrow surrounded by love, uplifted and held. And I feel so very blessed!


Cindy Marsch said...

Oh, Chris, how I would have loved to be there singing with your group. Thanks so much for sharing your day with us, especially the photos! I love the "do," too. :-) You are radiant and I praise our precious Father for that.

Kathy said...

I love your hair! And I'm praising God for His manifold blessings in your life.

Jenny said...

Blessing, indeed. And you bless me by sharing it. Lots of love and prayers.