Friday, May 02, 2008

Encouragement and clarification

I am a verbal person. I process by writing, talking, clarifying, organizing. Today I am doing several of these things...

On this blog, I am keeping mostly the facts: facts concerning my cancer journey, facts of my lovely family, and other items that need "passing along" to my family and friends in places both near and far.

I also find it helpful to record my thoughts and feelings on the journey. Those I am going to try to record on my other blog here. (For instance, this morning's post here.) So, if you want the news, this is the spot for you. And, of course, the feelings will be coming through. But if you want the processing thoughts, check the other blog.

I am grateful for the warm love and support I am getting from each of you. A few notes of encouragement have arrived via snail mail. What a delightful thing to get a card in the mail. Thank you! And mostly, thank you for your prayers. They are carrying me, and allowing me sweet sleep every night. I appreciate you all!

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