I am often surprised by the strange twists my path in this world takes. But there is a pleasing unity to the whole when I look back at it. That helps me to look forward with hope.
Friday found me at the medical center being diagnosed with acute diverticulitis and an abcess on my bowel. We have hopefully found these in time to successfully treat them with antibiotics at home.
As I look back, I realize the tender care of a loving heavenly Father who was willing to disappoint me (today I am missing a sweet niece's wedding and reunion with family) in order to keep me off the road and with good medical care as this has unfolded. God is good.
And as I look forward to things planned and hoped that may not now be able to happen, I am working at being content in His love and care, and leaving the details to Him. May we both be successful at such rest, Gentle Reader.