Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The turning of the year...

This week, with a little break from the responsibilities of teaching, I am enjoying the full-fledged wonders of fall.  Thanksgiving is this week, the temperature was a chilly 10 degrees this morning, and I have time to sew:  all harbingers of harvest festivities!

As I have been sewing today, I began listening to the audio version of A Christmas Carol (from Librivox) and have been reveling in the best things about Dickens, and memories of former encounters with Scrouge.

When I was in high school, my brother Jeff, who was then in junior high school, starred as Scrouge in a junior high version of the play.  It was a revelation to me, not just of the wonder of the work, but of the amazing ability of my little brother.  I was amazed at the gift God had given him to act, as he made all the other kids look like, well, kids, and he looked like a pro!

The first time we read A Christmas Carol aloud as a family, our own Tiny Tim began having nightmares, and we had to stop mid-ghost, and try again a few years later.

These lovely memories remind me today that we are rounding the Thanksgiving bend and heading full-steam into Christmas.  What a lovely turning of the year!

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