Tuesday, September 26, 2006

A Voice Less Vivid

With fear and trembling, I mention that you can hear one cut from Ben's band, A Voice Less Vivid, from their EP CD by the same title (I think). You can also hear a live recording of their parody of "emo" music here:

Disclaimer: while some of their music is very nice, you must listen at your own risk. However, if you are familiar with the term "emo" music, their parody of it, "Double-edged Words (A Meal of Sorrow in Three Courses: or How I Learned to Love New Pain, Old Tears and Sour Milk)" is actually very funny! But you have to listen carefully- some of the funniest lines are in the quiet, side comments...

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Hey, Chris! Thanks for your comment on my Xanga. I do have a blogger site (as you can see), but I only have one post in there so far, and we'll see if I actually transfer my more "serious" stuff over there :-).

I haven't yet listened to the music--dare I?