Monday, November 03, 2014

Health Update

Friday I returned to my ophthalmologist and wanted to update all your faithful prayer warriors.  God has been busy bringing healing and answering your prayers!

My eyes are better than they have ever been.  Everything is quiet and no evidence of disease.  That means I will go ahead with my next remicade infusion on Wednesday (11-5) and then, Lord willing, will have surgery to remove my right cataract the following Wednesday (11-12).  Most birdshot patients never reach this place of blessed control of disease, and I am very grateful for God's mercy to me.  I am teaching, travelling, running my home, serving others, and seeing everything as I go.  What mercy and grace!

Because of the ravages of the disease and the on-going immune-suppressant treatment, I am at higher risk for complications from this surgery-- both increased risk of infection and increased risk of structure damage and scarring in the eye.  So I would ask you, Gentle Readers, to ask for even more mercy from the Great Physician on my behalf.  He is always faithful.

After surgery, I will hopefully continue this treatment regimen for about another year or so, and then see if I can transition off of some of these drugs and stay in remission.  But for now, we will keep things steady state.

Thank you for your prayers and encouragement, Gentle Readers.  Those prayers lift me on those mornings I have a hard time facing the day, and in those nights when I struggle with fear and doubt.  I suspect the greatest work being done by God in me is not in my eyes.  May our heavenly Father be gracious to do a good work in you, too, Gentle Reader.


Quotidian Life said...

Praise God! I'll be praying for your upcoming surgery, Chris.

Args said...

Wonderful news, Chris! God is ever faithful. I'll keep praying for your continued healing and for your faith to continue to strengthen in this journey. Love you!