Monday, April 16, 2012

This blessing has fallen to me...

Your statutes have been my songs in the house of my sojourning.
 I remember your name in the night, O Lord, and keep your law.
This blessing has fallen to me, that I have kept your precepts.
~Psalm 119 54-56
Sometimes our sojourning is wearisome.  But this blessing falls to us: we can obey.  We may not be able to read Camus, plant our garden, or  finish paying the bills.  We may never finish Brothers K, understand Spanish, or finish that quilt. We may be so tired we can't stay awake when we read, or think while we try to finish up lesson plans. But this blessing falls to those of us who know the Lord: we can keep his precepts.

Previously in my life, I think I've overlooked this blessing.  My life is so full of things I'd like to do and can't seem to accomplish.  I am praying today, Gentle Reader, to catch this blessing as it falls: to obey. God tells me what to do.  May it be enough for me to do it, and for you, too.

1 comment:

Quotidian Life said...

Hey, how'd you know that I'm working hard to finish Andrew's quilt, bought basil for the garden, just downloaded Camus but deleted the sample chapter of Brothers K (for now) and really wish I had more time to work on my Arabic?? :) Thanks for the good word, Chris!