Saturday, May 28, 2011

Thoughts on summer, teaching, and graduation

The columbines are making a spectacular show in my back flower garden.  And we had to hook up the swamp cooler this morning in anticipation of our second afternoon in the 80's.  I guess summer really is here!

With the beginning of summer comes the end of the school year.  I have two essay portions of the final exam for my composition students at VPSA, and then I am done with last year, and begin thinking about next year! It is a bittersweet thing, this teaching lifestyle. We journey for a period of time with a student, pouring into them all we know will be best for them, often becoming friends, and then leaving them to the more skilled hands of others.

 A dear friend of mine posted a perfect wish for her graduating students this year, and with her permission, I post it below as a wish for all of mine.  (Thank you, LaJuana Decker!) And thank you, Composition 2-E students from all over the world, JB, MH, DH and NL for making this year one of challenge and delight, hard work, and growth.

To all the graduates I know and love: Cling to Christ. Pursue Truth, Goodness, and Beauty. Cultivate wisdom and virtue. Love the people God brings into your life with a whole-hearted love. Consider the needs of others. Adorn your days with prayer and thankfulness. And especially for the graduates of this time in history: Make technology your tool and not your master. Congratulations!

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