In no particular order, below please find a photo dump of various projects from Spring and Summer of 2023. It has wizzed by unbelievably fast! Thanks for being increadibly patient with me, Gentle Reader.
Above is the latest baby quilt from Bryce Ave Presbyterian church ladies to our new covenant child, Levi. It turned out beautifully! I planned and pieced, various ladies embroidered, another sandwiched and quilted, and another did the binding. We have done these for every baby born to the church for more than 30 years!

Aprons were made in all sizes for Cousin's camp (above). And, of course, Cousin's Camp T-shirts (below).
Grandaughter #3 had a birthday, too (above), as did grandson #3 (below- Cody the Coyote)
A dear friend needed a baby quilt done (above) and grandson #2 needed his twin bed quilt done-- dinosaurs.
I made a set of placemats for us (above). Imagine!
And another baby quilt for church-- this one a "peek-aboo quilt" with embroidered squares hiding under fabric flaps.
I experimented with scalops (above)-- won't do that method again! And I quilted someone else's embroidered work (below) and bartered for excellent haircuts! Such a deal!
I made a few mug rugs to match some mugs.
And I amde about 30 marble bags from grandson#1 (above) and made a table topper for me (below).
And for Valentie's Day I made a plethora of hearts as backpack/purse blings for the people I love. Hope you are enjoying the people you love, Gentle Readers.