I have been busy in my sewing room this spring, but it seems I am mostly still in progress with some big quilts and dresses. But here are things already finished for the year.
I completed a quilt for my Chicago niece. It is a birthday/early graduation gifts for her. |
I completed a couple mats to place under plants in the living room, but only have a photo of them not quite finished yet. |
E4 needed some hands on alphabet practice, so here is a bag full of letters for her.
I completed a knot romper for this beauty who told me she was not a dress girl-- it's all about being comfortable. Isn't A. lovely?! |
This isn't really my finish, but E1 finished the log cabin kit I made for her. |
Cousin's Camp VIII was postponed when the Phoenix Finns got Co-vid, so we are rescheduling for fall break in October. But the t-shirts and tote bags are ready to go. |
C got a dress with head scarf and a skirt and t-shirt for her birthday. |
Isn't she adorable?! |
I made four sets of cute coasters for prizes at an upcoming baby shower. Stay tuned for the church quilt that is being given in just a few weeks! |
E4 is just about to turn 2. So he got both a felt activity book and a stool for his birthday. These are our seventh time making these toddler gifts, and perhaps our last. They have been fun to do! |
I did my first cross-stitch in many years while making these book marks for E1 and E2 for Easter. Grateful my eyes are up to the task! |
And I made a few mug rugs. We watch for fun mugs on sale, and then I use scraps to make the mug rugs to match. They make nice hospitality or birthday gifts, and are fun to do. |
My sewing room is currently full of many big projects: twin bed quilts for E3 and Ev, and queen bed quilts for T&N and E&B. It has been fun choosing patterns, buying fabric, and getting started. E3's is almost done, and all the fabric for the others is silently waiting and calling me! I hope to have a very fruitful fall sewing season!