Well, I am preparing the Christmas cards to go out by the weekend, which always makes me feel compelled to give some instructions and updates here since the cards direct people here for news and photos. First, a few directions, for those of you unfamiliar with the blogging world:
On the right you will see some recent family photos scrolling by. Note that there are two DILTB (daughters-in-law-to-be.)
Links can also be found on the right. Note especially a link to my other blog (where I post various ramblings, called A Collection of Chris's thoughts and Meanderings) and a link to more photos of the Finnegans, where you can look at some more photos that haven't been posted.
If you scroll down the page, you will read our yearly news backwards, with the most recent things at the top, and getting older as you go down.
If this doesn't go far enough back for you, you can go back to the right side and click on my archives by month or year. There's more there than anyone wants to know about the Finnegans!
And now for a few updates, to "catch you up" fast:
This very week Chris' mom, Shirley Hanson, completed her year of treatments for an aggressive form of breast cancer called
Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC). She and Dad have been heroes in this grueling fight.
We leave in one week for Ben and Elsa's wedding on December 15. I'll post updates and photos when we return.
After the wedding, the Hanson Clan will be meeting for an early Christmas in Iowa. This will be Nikki's introduction to the whole group (brave girl!) Nikki and Tim plan to wed in September of 2008.
In January Tim returns to Grand Rapids for his last 1-credit required class at Calvin, and to run track, and to get closer to Nikki, who is in Sarnia, Ontario.
Hope you will all be enjoying the blessings of family this Christmas, and praising the God from whom all such blessings flow!