Sunday, September 01, 2024

Sabbath Song 9-1-24

 Arise, My Soul, Arise

by Charles Wesley, 1742

Arise, my soul, arise, shake off your guilty fears;
the bleeding scarifice in my behalf appears.
Before the throne my Surety stands, before the throne my Surety stands!
My name is written on His hands.

He ever lives above, for me to intercede;
His all-redeeming love, His precious blood to plead.
His blood atoned for every race, His blood atoned for every race,
and sprinkles now the throne of grace.

Five bleeding wounds He bears, received on Calvary.
They pour effectual prayers; they strongly plead for me.
"Forgive Him, oh forgive!" they cry.  "Forgive Him, oh forgive," they cry,
"nor let that ransomed sinner die!"

My God is reconciled; His pardoning voice I hear.
He owns me for his child; I shall no longer fear.
With confidence I now draw nigh; with confidence I now draw night, 
and "Father, abba Father!" cry.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Sabbath Song 8-11-24


God of the Ages

Margaret Clarkson, 1981         

1.  God of the ages, history’s Maker,    planning our pathway, holding us fast,

shaping in mercy all that concerns us:   Father, we praise you, Lord of the past.


2.  God of this morning, gladly your children worship before you, trustingly bow:

teach us to know you always among us, quietly sovereign — Lord of our now.


3.  God of tomorrow, strong Overcomer, princes of darkness own your command.

What then can harm us? We are your people, now and forever kept by your hand.


4.  Lord of past ages, Lord of this morning, Lord of the future, help us, we pray:

teach us to trust you, love and obey you, crown you each moment Lord of today.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Projects and Cousins Camp X

Well, Cousins Camp X (how have we been doing this for 10 years already?!) is behind us.  And it was great.  Below are some late spring projects, and I'll finish with a few photos of our time with the kids and grands.  What a blessing!

Tee shirts ready for Cousins Camp X

Everett received a new vest and tie for his birthday in May.  He looks very sharp in it, and loves it!

Ezra received a Bug Belt for his birthday.  He is our budding entylmologist, and this is like a tool box, but with specialty holdng places for the tools of his trade.

 Above are zippered bags for CC.  And below are some photos of our lovelies.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Project Update

It's been a while since I updated.  Not sure anyone even visits here anymore, but it seems like a good place to record some things.  Since my Mom's death in August, I have not had the emotional bandwidth for much-- not even my yearly Christmas letter!  But God is bringing rest and renewal always.  And I have been doing a little sewing.  So let me update on a few projects as an easy re-entry to my blogging.

I completed a couple of table toppers for Valentine's Day-- one for the Phoenix Finns and one for the Tucson Finns.

A little elephant for a new covenant baby at church.  Love this pattern!

I also made a covey of tea cozies for the shower for that baby. They fit a group of teapots for our tea-themed shower.

And, of course, another baby quilt for that new little girl.  This redwork quilt was so cute!

Most recently I created a plethora of shamrock mug rugs, in the mail for St. Patrick's Day.

This is a portion of the bookmarks I completed for Christmas.

I made two piano bags for two Tucson pianists.

And a zippered church bag for another.

Christmas toppers and hot pads for each family.

And ornaments--LOTS of ornaments.  The birds went to the grandkids.  The rest went to my nieces, the elders and deacons at church, and my bible study ladies. 

 I have a few larger projects under way, and a set of placemats for myself, but those I am slowly chipping away at. And Cousin's Camp is just a few months away, along with our busy birthday season. 

Praying for me and for you, Gentle Reader, that as spring approaches, God will not only renew the earth, but renew our hearts and reinvigorate us after a long, cold winter.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Spring and Summer Projects

In no particular order, below please find a photo dump of various projects from Spring and Summer of 2023.  It has wizzed by unbelievably fast! Thanks for being increadibly patient with me, Gentle Reader.

Above is the latest baby quilt from Bryce Ave Presbyterian church ladies to our new covenant child, Levi.  It turned out beautifully!  I planned and pieced, various ladies embroidered, another sandwiched and quilted, and another did the binding.  We have done these for every baby born to the church for more than 30 years!

Granddaughter #4 had her 6th birthday. Above are some play skirts, and below is a bag for her to carry to church.
And this is her stuffered elephant and matching skirt.

Aprons were made in all sizes for Cousin's camp (above).  And, of course, Cousin's Camp T-shirts (below).

Grandaughter #3 had a birthday, too (above), as did grandson #3 (below- Cody the Coyote)

Nikki got a new bible and needed a cover (above) and Grandaughter 3 got a skirt (below)

A dear friend needed a baby quilt done (above) and grandson #2 needed his twin bed quilt done-- dinosaurs.

I made a set of placemats for us (above).  Imagine!

And another baby quilt for church-- this one a "peek-aboo quilt" with embroidered squares hiding under fabric flaps.

I experimented with scalops (above)-- won't do that method again! And I quilted someone else's embroidered work (below) and bartered for excellent haircuts!  Such a deal!

I made a few mug rugs to match some mugs.

And I amde about 30 marble bags from grandson#1 (above) and made a table topper for me (below).

And for Valentie's Day I made a plethora of hearts as backpack/purse blings for the people I love. Hope you are enjoying the people you love, Gentle Readers.